1. Solve Industrial problem on Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and industries Demand:

  1. Solve Industrial problem on Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and industries demandregarding preparation of anti-corrosion chemical and polishing materials.
  2. After carrying out detailed research Dr Maria Zaib and Dr Aisha Siddiqa from chemistry Department are finally able to suggested few cost effective substitute for your requirement. Details are as under:_
    Sr.# Requirement Suggested Solvents Estimated Price Claim
    A. Substitute of Trichloroethylene for de-greasing purposes Solvent A Rs 6000/ltr
    1. Suggested solvents A and B exhibit properties similar to target degreaser.
    2. Lab scale tests have been performed successfully.
    B. Solvent B Rs 17000/ltr As Above
    C. To prepare a cost effective and economical electrolytic etching solution
      1. Component 1
      2. Component 2
      3. Component 3
    (All the above components shall be mixed in appropriate ratio)
    1. Component 1:inorganic salt that could perform the etching process
    2. Component 2:organic solvent acting as carrier medium for component 1 and 2
    3. Component 3:organic compound acting as corrosion inhibitor
  3. To proceed further following is required to be done:-
    a. Requirement 1
    > Price discussion
    > Industry scale tests have to be performed
    c. Requirement 2
    > Sample prepared in above step is to be applied at industry scale in order to check its efficiency
  4. Forwarded for information and necessary action, please.

2. Internships

  1. GC Women University Sialkot
    The Vice Chancellor has been pleased to allow 16 students of BS CS&IT through ORIC for internship in different departments for a period of two months.
  2. Leather Products Development Institute (LPDI)
    To address the growing need for skilled human resources for the industry the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP, Ministry of Commerce) have established Leather Products Development Institute (LPDI) in 2001 under the management of Pakistan Gloves Manufacturers and Exporters Association(PGMEA).
    Punjab Government have funded 6 Months courses in ten different fields in which Institute will provide free stationery, Hand tools and the stipend of Rs.1500/- each month to every enrolled student. Timing of course from 1:30pm to 6:30pm (Six days a week).Courses names are listed below: 

    1. Merchandising Techniques
    2. Production Planning Control
    3. Quality Control
    4. Fashion Designing
    5. Computerized Pattern Making (CAD/CAM)
    6. Gloves Stitching
    7. Garments Stitching
    8. Sportswear Stitching
    9. Gloves Pattern Making
    10. Garments Pattern Making

    50 students selected for internship in LPDI. They reserved 40% seats for GCWUS students For that purpose, LPDI will provide most experienced faculty to the students who will teach them skills to fulfill the demand of the industry. Selection of students in each trade and the selection of courses will be decided by the Donor agency whosoever is funding LPDI.

  3. Leatherware Sialkot
    Leatherware offer 3 Months training session for 20 students and after this period with both parties agreement, they hire the employer as long term employ of organization.
    Hand tools and the stipend of Rs.15000/- per month to every enrolled student moreover benefits will be provided as per policy.
  4. Future Plans
    • To improve Human Resource Development Program and explore funding for establishment of Research Labs at GCWUS in its various Departments.
    • To strengthen international linkages particularly with American universities based on joint research proposals for international funding.
    • To hold regular scientific seminars, colloquia, symposium etc. at GCWUS to promote the culture of interaction and sharing of scientific knowledge with researchers around the world.
    • To prepare the research Policy for the University.
    • To explore possibilities of projects based on public-private partnership