BS Mathematics

  • Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)
  • Teaching System: Semester System

M.Sc Mathematics

  • Duration: 2 Years (4 Semesters)
  • Teaching System: Semester System

Eligibility Criteria

01 BS Mathematics
  • F.Sc (Pre-Engineering)./I.Cs. or equivalent qualification with mathematics (200 marks)
  • At least 50% marks in Mathematics.
02 M.Sc Mathematics
  • B.Sc (Double Math)./I.Cs. or equivalent qualification with mathematics (200 marks)
  • At least 50% marks in Mathematics.

Mathematics is the study of general scientific concepts, principles, and phenomena that, because of their widespread occurrence and application, relate or unify various disciplines. In research, it is used by statisticians and machine learning specialists. The core profession could be mathematics teaching at school, college, or university level. Apart from teaching and research, other employment opportunities include investment analyst, statistician, data analyst, software tester, data scientist, business analyst and social scientist etc. All of these jobs draw on the skills attained during BS/MSc Mathematics degree program and the knowledge of how to use equations to figure out budgets and finances for individuals/companies. As far as the market of Pakistan is concerned, students can find work with the government, a non-profit or a commercial agency where graduation in science is required.


BS (4-YEAR) Mathematics

Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-108 Calculus-I 4
Major Math-165 Vectors & Mechanics-I 4
Minor Eng-122 English-I 3
Minor Isl-100 Islamic Studies 3
Minor Phys-146 Physics-I 3
Minor Phys-146L Physics-I Lab 1
Total Credit Hours 18(17+1)
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-109 Calculus-II 4
Major Math-166 Vectors & Mechanics-II 4
Minor Eng-123 English-II 3
Minor PKS-100 Pakistan Studies 3
Minor PHYS-147 Physics –II 3
Minor PHYS-147L hysics-II Lab 1
Total Credit Hours 18(17+1)
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-228 Linear Algebra-I 3
Major Math-210 Calculus-III 4
Major Eng-224 English-III 3
Minor Arab-101 Arabic Studies 2
Minor Phys-248 3Physics –III 3
Minor Phys-248L Physics-III Lab 1
Total Credit Hours 16(15+1)
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-263 Ordinary Differential Equations-I 3
Major Math-141 Number Theory 2
Major Math-117 Discrete Mathematics 2
Math-279 Metric Spaces 2
Major Math-283 Introduction to Computer and Programming Languages 4
Minor Phys-249 Physics-IV 3
Minor Phys-249L Physics-IV Lab 1
Total Credit Hours 17(13+4)

Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-351 Real Analysis-I 3
Major Math-325 Group Theory 3
Major Math-312 Complex Analysis-I 3
Major Math-359 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
Major Math-358 Topology 3
Major Math-315 Differential Geometry 3
Total Credit Hours 18(18+0)




Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-352 Real Analysis-II 3
Major Math-329 Linear Algebra-II 3
Major Math-368 Complex Analysis-II 3
Major Math-305 Analytical Mechanics 3
Major Math-423 Functional Analysis 3
Major Math-347 Ordinary Differential Equations-II 3
Total Credit Hours 18(18+0)


Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-464 Set Theory 3
Major Math-448 Partial Differential Equations 3
Major Math-442 Numerical Analysis-I 3
Any Two of the following:
Major Math-331 Mathematical Statistics-I 3
Major Math-471 Programming in Matlab 3
Major Math-403 Advanced Group Theory-I 3
Major Math-454 Rings and Modules 3
Major Math-469 Advance Number Theory-I 3
Major Math-449 Quantum Mechanics-I 3
Major Math-404 Analytical Dynamics 3
Major Math-419 E lectromagnetic Theory-I 3
Major Math-444 Operations Research-I 3
Major Math-470 Theory of Approximation and Splines-I 3
Major Math-422 Fluid Mechanics-I 3
Total Credit Hours 15(15+0)
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-437 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration 3
Major Math-438 Methods of Mathematical Physics 3
Major Math-443 Numerical Analysis-II 3
Any Two of the following:
Major Math-432 Mathematical Statistics-II 3
Major Math-472 Computer Applications 3
Major Math-473 Advanced Group Theory-II 3
Major Math-457 Theory of Modules 3
Major Math-474 Advance Number Theory-II 3
Major Math-450 Quantum Mechanics-II 3
Major Math-455 Special Theory of Relativity 3
Major Math-475 Electromagnetic Theory-II 3
Major Math-445 Operations Research-II 3
Major Math-476 Theory of Approximation and Splines-II 3
Major Math-478 Fluid Mechanics-II 3
Major Math-426 Integral Equations 3
Total Credit Hours 15(15+0)

M.Sc (2-YEAR) Mathematics

Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-351 Real Analysis-I 3
Major Math-325 Group Theory 3
Major Math-312 Complex Analysis-I 3
Major Math-359 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
Major Math-358 Topology 3
Major Math-315 Differential Geometry 3
Total Credit Hours 18(18+0)
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-352 Real Analysis-II 3
Major Math-329 Linear Algebra-II 3
Major Math-369 Complex Analysis-II 3
Major Math-305 Analytical Mechanics 3
Major Math-423 Functional Analysis 3
Major Math-347 Ordinary Differential Equations-II 3
Total Credit Hours 18(18+0)


Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-464 Set Theory 3
Major Math-448 Partial Differential Equations 3
Major Math-442 Numerical Analysis-I 3
Any Two of the following:
Elective Math-331 Mathematical Statistics-I 3
Elective Math-471 Programming in Matlab 3
Elective Math-403 Advanced Group Theory-I 3
Elective Math-454 Rings and Modules 3
Elective Math-469 Advance Number Theory-I 3
Elective Math-449 Quantum Mechanics-I 3
Elective Math-404 Analytical Dynamics 3
Elective Math-419 Electromagnetic Theory-I 3
Elective Math-444 Operations Research-I 3
Elective Math-470 Theory of Approximation and Splines-I 3
Elective Math-422 Fluid Mechanics-I 3
Total Credit Hours 15(15+0)
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Math-437 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration 3
Major Math-438 Methods of Mathematical Physics 3
Major Math-443 Numerical Analysis-II 3
Any Two of the following:
Elective Math-432 Mathematical Statistics-II 3
Elective Math-472 Computer Applications 3
Elective Math-473 Advanced Group Theory-II 3
Elective Math-457 Theory of Modules 3
Elective Math-474 Advance Number Theory-II 3
Elective Math-450 Quantum Mechanics-II 3
Elective Math-455 Special Theory of Relativity 3
Elective Math-475 Electromagnetic Theory-II 3
Elective Math-445 Operations Research-II 3
Elective Math-476 Theory of Approximation and Splines-II 3
Elective Math-478 Fluid Mechanics-II 3
Elective Math-426 Integral Equations 3
Total Credit Hours 15(15+0)
Curriculum of BS & MSc Mathematics