Department of Botany has usefully launched the Journal of Plant and Environment (JPE). This is the 1st Natural Science International Research Journal from GCWUS which is an open journal system (OJS) based journal and has all the upgraded features. JPE covers all the aspects of Plant & Environmental Sciences. The journal aims to serve the research community by providing a platform for researchers to publish innovative and quality research in both fundamental and applied plant and environmental studies. The journal considers submissions on plant biology (including ecology, evolution, physiology, biodiversity, systematics, development, genetics, paleobotany, structure, and function), all levels of organization (ecosystem to molecular), ethnobotany, plant environment, and Plant Pathology, plant bacteriology, plant mycology, plant virology, plant nematology, and epidemiology. Call for paper and Editorial and Advisory Board has been posted on the Journal’s website. For more information, visit the link given as under: