Ms. Shafaq Shakeel has been working as a Lecturer in the Department of Zoology, at Government College Women University Sialkot since 2014. She has done MS in Biosciences from COMSATS Institute of IT, Islamabad, Pakistan. Her field of specialization is Molecular Genetics and Bioinformatics. She has also worked as a research associate in the University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan for a period of one year. She has developed two software for the poultry farmers of the Faisalabad region which would help them to analyze their performance and risk assessment. She is very much interested in applying her bioinformatics skills to solve biological problems. At Government College Women’s University, she is teaching and supervises the research work of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Dept. of Zoology.
She has organized various training programs for the students, faculty members of the university, and the principals/teachers of various colleges in District Sialkot, Pakistan. These training programs were funded by Higher Education Commission Pakistan, Punjab Higher Education Commission Pakistan, and USAID, She has also performed various administrative duties on the additional charge. Some of them are as follows:
Focal person of the HEC project entitled “Strengthening and Upgradation of Universities of Backward Areas, Focal Person of the Admission Committee of Dept. of Zoology, Focal Person of COVID Control Committee, Dept. of Zoology, Focal Person of phase II of Health Profile Data, Secretary/Member Project Steering Committee, Member of Committee for formulating SOPs for Purchase, Procurement, and Tender, Member QEC, Member P&D, Member Equipment Technical Committee, Member Website Committee, Member Zoological Society and Semester Coordinator.
Book Chapter Published
Rehman, U. S & Shakeel, S. (2017). Poultry Industry. M, Haq. U. A & Haq. U. Akram (Eds.), Poultry Production Technology (pp. 17-27). Retrieved from
Paper Published in Journal
M. Sarfraz, A.W. Qureshi & S. Shakeel. 2022. Epidemiology & Microscopic Characterization of Eimeria Species from Chicken in District Sialkot. Submitted in Punjab University Journal of Zoology.
Arslan, a.u., m.f. khalid, m.k. bashir, m. Auon, u. Farooq, Shakeel and s. Rehman. 2016. Economic analysis of broiler production in environment controlled houses in district faisalabad. Pakistan journal of agricultural sciences
Shakeel, I. Mahjabeen, M.A. Kayani and R. Faryal .2013. Association of SYK genetic variations with breast cancer pathogenesis. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14(5), 3309 3314. i
Abstract Published in Conference
Shakeel, S., Ahmed, A., Wazir, R., Butt, K. R., Syed, S., Talib, N & Mehmood, M. (2017). An Epidemiological Study of Ice Cream Headache (ICH) among the population of Sialkot District. Poster presented at the International Conference on Trends and Prospects in Molecular Biosciences, 23-24 October (pp.65). The University of Punjab,
Madiha, M., Imran, S., Maalik, S., Mushtaq, S., Qamer, M., Nawaz, S & Shakeel, S. (2017). Serotonin, a novel drug for Neurodegeneration in a mouse model. 37th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International). GC University, Faisalabad.
Imran, S., Qamer, M., Maalik, S., Mushtaq, S., Sajjad, R., Madiha, M., Nawaz, S & Shakeel, S. (2017) Comparative study of relevant circulatory proteins between Non-Insulin dependent diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) and Normal Female Local Population. 37th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International). GC University Faisalabad.