I have strong background in conducting field activities including surface water, soil and food chain sampling of birds and demonstrated proficiency in project, scheduling, technical skills, data collection, accuracy, and time management. As environmental professional I would like to conduct my personal and professional life and activities in an ethical manner. My goal is to use this opportunity to enhance my skills by using them in a practical and professional environment. I am sure that getting real time experience in this institute would derive me to great heights in refining my skills as well as directing me in an environment suited to my field. Now I have well established institution to persue my career in the field of environment and its wide area of research. I will utilize my knowledge and services to further protect our natural resources and wildlife.
Environmental Research
Journal homepage: www.elsveir.com/locate/envres
Title: “Dietary proxies (δ15N, δ13C) as signature of metals and arsenic exposure in birds from aquatic and terrestrial food chains”