Dates of Event: August 12-08-2022
Time of Event: 10:00 am- 2:00 pm
Name of Society Conducting the event/activity/workshop/seminar: Department of Psychology, GC Women University and Department of Psychology, Sialkot.
Resource Person: Dr. Tanveer Nasr, Former Cheif Clinical Psychologist, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
This is a one day training workshop specifically organized for MS Clinical Psychology students to help them understand and write effective clinical case formulations for their cases.The importance of clinical case formulation cannot be highlighted enough. As future clinicians our students would have to work with clients to determine which symptoms or difficulties to prioritise, and make a judgement as to which treatment will be best. This workshop will help them understand what is meant by a clinical case formulation, discuss some of the limitations to predicting treatment by diagnosis alone, and describe how a case formulation approach might help to overcome some of these difficulties.
Venue: Video Conference Room, GCWUS.