Rules & Regulations
These regulations have been made for the benefit of all library users and co-operation in observing these rules is essential for the common good. Only registered users can avail the facilities of the library.
Please read these regulations carefully, as ignorance of them is not accepted as an excuse for non-observance.
All library participants/ Users are expected to observe the following rules while using the library facilities; any violation of these rules will incur appropriate disciplinary action.
- Leave your personal belongings such as handbags, briefcases, etc., outside the library entrance, on personal responsibility.
- Submit any book or object for inspection, when requested by the library staff.
- Do not write, underline or mark any book. Library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for the damage. In case of severe damage, you’ll have to return a new copy of the book (same print) or pay the price of the book.
- Don’t write and scratch the library furniture, In case of irreversible damage, you’ll be heavily fined.
- Sleeping is not allowed in the library.
- After reading, leave books on the table or on the book trolley. Please do not shelve the books.
- Complete silence should be observed except for brief and subdued talk with the library staff.
- Drinks and eatables are not allowed in the library.
- Keep your mobiles off within the library premises.
- Make sure you have provided correct e-mail address while filling your library membership form.
- Report about lost books or other materials to the library immediately to stop overdue fines.
- In case of lost Library Card, please immediately report to the circulation staff so that your membership is temporarily blocked to prevent misuse of the Library Card. Once you get a replacement, please inform circulation staff so that your memberships can be re-activated.
- Seek help of the library staff if you are unable to find your required material.
- While returning library books or other materials at the Circulation Desk please ensure that the circulation staff has returned the book(s).
- Although you can use your belongings (laptop, books, register etc.) for study inside the library, you should place your bags on the table besides the entrance door due to security concerns. In case of suspicion, library staff is authorized to check your bags.
- Library membership could be suspended or canceled along with a penalty in the following cases:
- Nonpayment of library fine(s)
- Theft of library material(s)
- Nonpayment of damage fine
- Non returning of the temporary issued material within due time
- Any kind of disturbance in library
- Misconduct with the library staff
Borrowing Policy:
- There are two categories of books in the library: Standard books and Reference books. Following policies pertain to these categories:
- Standard books are regular items which can be borrowed by any library user (patron) for a time frame mentioned in the table below.
Name of Category |
No. of Books |
Time Period |
Permanent Staff |
10 |
30 days |
Visiting Staff |
5 |
30 days |
Head of Department |
10 |
30 days |
BS, MS Student |
2 |
7 days |
MPhil Scholar |
5 |
15 days |
- Books can only be renewed for a further 2 times, if another user has not reserved them.
- Overdue books will not be re-issued until the fine is paid.
- Two copies of same title will not be issued.
- Non-issuable materials such as reference books, magazines, journals are not checked out. These must not be removed from the library.
- Under exceptional circumstances, reference book can be borrowed overnight. You can borrow it just before the library closes, and it must be returned by next morning. It cannot be borrowed over the weekend.
- All issued books must be returned to the library by the due date. In case of overdue books, a fine will be charged, as mentioned in the fine policy.
- Books will only be issued to the person appearing at the circulation desk. You cannot borrow a book under someone else’s name.
Reservation Policy:
In order to support fair usage and optimal sharing of the collection, borrowed books can be reserved. If you need a book which has already been borrowed by someone else, you can request a reservation. Library staff maintains a reservation queue for borrowed items. Simply ask the library staff to place your name in the queue. You must also provide a valid email address so that you could be notified once the book is returned. Following policies apply:
1. You cannot reserve the same book which has already been issued to you. If no one else reserved the book, you can get it re-issued on the day of return.
- Reserved book will be issued to the one who is top most in the reservation list.
- If you have reserved a book, it is your responsibility to contact the circulation desk on its day of return. Library staff will wait for you till 12:00 noon next working day. If you do not appear, your name will be removed from the queue. The book will then be issued to the next person in the queue or to someone else if there’s no one else in the queue.
- It is your responsibility to provide correct and active email address, and to check the email notification. Any change in the contact details (address, phone number, e-mail) must be reported to the Library immediately.
- Students cannot reserve reference books.
Library Membership:
To enjoy the facilities offered by the Library, the student/faculty/staff should submit library registration form; the students are advised to keep their Library Cards with them.
Change of address/telephone no, E-Mail address must be reported to librarian immediately.
Disciplinary Rules:
- Complete silence should be observed inside the library.
- Discussions are not allowed in the library
- If any Student/User will disturb the study environment of the library, she will be given three verbal warnings, if despite the warnings; the user repeats the same attitude Rs. 200 fine will be charged on first time violation, Rs. 500 on second time violation. If user continues the violation the case will be referred to the disciplinary committee. All fine paid on the receipts.
- Treat the library staff with respect. Any misbehave would come under general codes of Conduct.
- The Librarian is authorized to withdraw library facilities from any member who is found misusing the library material or facilities.
The violation of the library lending rules may result in the following fines:
- i) A borrower who fails to return the library books on due date, shall have to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- per day per book, if the borrower fails to return the book after one week of due date, library member ship of the defaulter will be suspended for a period of one month.
- ii) In the case of book loss or defacement by a user, she will be charged two times the current price of the book or replace the book.
iii) The Librarian shall decide the price of rare books, member shall not mutilate, or damage by writing or marking on pages, any book or publication, nor shall they trace or perform mechanical reproduction of an material belonging to the library without formal permission of the library authority, violation of this rule shall require replacement damaged volume of payment of its price specified under the rule.
Library Clearance:
Students must get clearance from respective departments in order to obtaining their degrees. Library clearance will not be declared unless she:
- Returns all borrowed books.
- Pays outstanding library dues (fine, book cost, etc.).
- Appears for the disciplinary action against violation of library rules and
- The Librarian will notify the Head Student affairs the list of library defaulter students for necessary actions. Note that the library clearance will be marked only by the Librarian or In-charge Library. No other library staff is authorized to sign the clearance form.