On behalf of the staff and students, I sincerely welcome you to the Department of Chemistry at GCWUS. The philosophy of the department is to raise capable, skilled and trained chemists who will influence every area of life as leading internationally reputable scientists. With a talent faculty, inspiring teachers, a diverse community of students and state-of-the art facilities, the Department has the ideal environment that ensures quality education.
Here, at the department of Chemistry, the students are exposed to modern principles of science and technology with emphasis on the practical aspects as well. The students are guided by a group of young staff who are enthusiastic and committed to teaching, research and character building. Our members of staff are ranked among the best in the subject having substantial exposure of working and teaching across Pakistan.
Please feel free to visit our web pages for details of the department, our academic programs, the faculty and their research. If you are interested to visit us or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

-Dr. Amina Sadiq

Chairperson Of Chemistry Department
Associate Professor