A Seerat Seminar was organized in Shaan e Rehmatul lil Aalameen week by Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies in collaboration with Director Students affairs on Wednesday 13 Oct. 2021. The chief guest and guest speaker of the event was Mufti Muhamamd Zahid from Jamia Islamic Imdadia, Faisal Abad. The guest of honor was Prof. Dr. Abdul Aleem from University of Management and Technology. The event was preside by Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmad x dean of faculty of Social Sciences and Economics. The program moderator was Dr. Amir Hayat. Assistant Professor of Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies. The speakers highlighted the importance of seerah in our life. They briefed the audience about the role of Holy Prophet being Rehmatul lil Aalamin. The concluding remarks were given by Dr. Syeda Sadia, Incharge of Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies.