Title of Event: “Suicide Prevention, Creating Hope through Action”
Date/Time/ Venue
Auditorium, GCWUS
Organizer: Psychosocial Well-being Center, GCWUS.
Chief Guest: Prof. Dr Rukhsana Kausar
Guest Speakers:
Ms. Sara Ishaq
Clinical Psychologist at Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore
Dr. Syesda Sadia
Assistant Professor at Islamic Studies Department, GCWUS
Brief Description
A seminar on Suicide Prevention was Successfully organized by Psychosocial Well-being
Center, GCWUS. Registrar GCWUS, In-charge Faculty of Social Sciences, Director Student
Affairs and numerous Head of Department and Faculty member graced the seminar with their
presence. Welcome note was presented by Student Counselor Ms. Maryum Arifeen. Seminar
was started with the recitation of Holy Quran (Khola Binte Azhar) and Naat e Rasool Maqbool
(Nighat Fatima), tribute to National Poet of Pakistan Allama Muhammad Iqbal was presented
(Esha Sohail). A large of students from different departments participated in seminar. Resource
persons enlightened the participants with their knowledge and expertise. In the end Incharge
Faculty of Social Sciences Dr. Muhammad Afzal gave concluding Remarks. After a vote of thanks
certificates were presented to resource persons.