Date of Event: April 12, 2018
Time of Event: 9:15-3:00 pm
Venue: Syndicate room, Admin block, GC Women University Sialkot.
Zoological Society is organizing a Hands-on Workshop entitled “ Biosafety Practices in Laboratory” on April 12, 2018, in collaboration with Nation Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS) Lahore and ORIC,GCWUS.
The trainer for this event is Dr. Aftab Ahmed, president, National Academy of Young Scientist, Lahore. The objective of the workshop is to provide hands-on training of biosafety and biosecurity procedures, Use of personal protective equipment and standard microbiological practices to the students. The format of the day will also provide an opportunity to the participants for knowledge-sharing on the understanding, current status, and needs of biosafety practices.