Classes of Finishing School

Govt. College Women University, Sialkot will be starting the classes of Finishing School on 3rd May 2017.
The classes are mandatory for all the student of 8th semester. Each student will opt for 2 module out of 6 being offered modules.
The offered modules are:

  1. Personality Development
  2.  IT skills
  3.  The Art of communication
  4. Dining Etiquette and cooking
  5. Hobbies and Skills
  6. Social Graces

Fee for one module:
University Students: Rs.500
Out Siders : Rs.1000

The Department will provide the challan forms for fee collection.
The Department head will assign someone to collect the fee
and ensure that all students have paid their fee for two modules.

Challan forms, fee and list of enrolled student(hard and soft) copy according to registerd modules
will be sent to Mr.umair in Treasry branch.
