BS English M.A English MS English
  • Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)
  • Teaching System: Semester System
  • Offered : Moring & Evening
  • Duration: 2 Years (3 Semesters)
  • Teaching System: Semester System
  • Offered : Moring only
  • Duration: 4 Years (8 Semesters)
  • Teaching System: Semester System
  • Offered : Moring only

Eligibility Criteria

01 BS
  • BS 4-years: The candidates seeking admission in BS program must have passed:
  • Intermediate or equivalent examination (Arts group) in 2nd division from any public/private institution. Studied English (200 marks) in Intermediate securing 50% marks in it.
02 M.A
  • MA 2-years: The candidates seeking admission in MA Literature/Linguistic program must have passed:
  • Two years B.A program with 2nd division. Studied English as an elective subject securing 50% marks in it.
03 MS
  • MS 2-years: The candidates seeking admission in MS Literature/Linguistic program must have passed:
  • 4 years B.S / 2 year M.A program/s with 2nd division and must fulfil HEC eligibility criteria.
    Note: GAT general must be cleared before or within one year after admission to M.S. program.

BS English is one of the most rewarding degree subjects having high demand and market value in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world. It provides a platform to the students to develop their interest in the diverse range of literature written in English and also to understand the scientific knowledge of English language, linguistics. This degree will equip our students with analytical and writing skills that are readily transferable into many other situations.
After acquiring the degree, students will have many career opportunities in the field of education and related disciplines. Students can pursue their careers in Education sector, research oriented jobs, content writers, Civil Services, administration and management related jobs, lectureship, Electronic and print media related jobs, banking sector etc.

MA English is one of the most rewarding degree subjects having high demand and market value in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world. It provides a platform to the students to develop their interest in the diverse range of literature written in English and also to understand the scientific knowledge of English language, linguistics. This degree will equip our students with analytical and writing skills that are readily transferable into many other situations.
After acquiring the degree, students will have many career opportunities in the field of education and related disciplines. Students can pursue their careers in Education sector, research oriented jobs, content writers, Civil Services, administration and management related jobs, lectureship, Electronic and print media related jobs, banking sector etc.

MS English is a professional degree which has high demand and market value in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world. Knowledge of existing concepts of language, linguistics and literature is highly competitive and desired in this age of multilingualism and globalization. Knowledge of English language, linguistics and literature is highly anticipated and required for world class human resources for different research institutes, government ministries, departments and agencies such as the ministries of Law, Foreign Affairs, Media, Education and others. Our students will also be well-equipped with modern day knowledge to combat challenges in the NGOs and the private sector.
After acquiring the degree, students will have many career opportunities in the field of education and related disciplines. Students can secure higher administrative position after acquiring applied knowledge of language policy and planning and related issues. They can work as translators and interpreters at different levels. Students can work in scientific, literary, technical or business fields as well. They can work as freelancers in the field of language and linguistics. They can join national testing and assessment agencies and firms. They can become part of translation bureaus, publishing houses, international organizations, hotel industry, and travel and tourism sector as well.


BS (4-YEAR) English

Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Compulsory PKS-100 Pak Studies 2(2+0)
General Pol-126 Intro to International relations 3(3+0)
General PSY-118 Introduction To Psyh-1 3(3+0)
Compulsory ENG -122 English-1 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG -130 IntroTo Lit-I Poetry & Drama 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG -132 Intro To Linguistics 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 17
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Compulsory ISL-100 Islamiyat 2(2+0)
ENG -118 Creative Writing 3(3+0)
General EDU-101 Philosophy Of Education 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG -130 IntroTo Lit-I Poetry & Drama 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG -128 History Of Eng-Lit: Medieval To Romantics 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG -157 Phonetics And Phonology 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 17
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Compulsory ENG-215 Communication Skills 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG-231 Introduction To Literature II 3(3+0)
Compulsory CS-100 Introduction To Computer 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG-251 Morphology And Syntax 3(3+0)
General SOC-108 Introduction To Sociology 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG-233 Introduction To Mythologies 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Compulsory ENG-205 Advanced Academics R & W 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG-229 History of English Literature 19th Century Realism To Contemporary Times 3(3+0)
Foundation ENG-268 Semantics 3(3+0)
General ENG-234 Introduction To philosophy in English 3(3+0)
Compulsory Soc-112 Intro to Human Rights 3(3+0)
General EDU-102 Psychology of Education 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major ENG-362 Research methodology 3(3+0)
Major ENG-426 English for Specific Purposes 3(3+0)
Major ENG-360 Pragmatics 3(3+0)
Major ENG-356 Pedagogical Grammar 3(3+0)
Major ENG-369 Socio Linguistics 3(3+0)
Major ENG-320 Discourse Analysis 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
********* OR *********
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng-403 20th century Lit. : Poetry & Drama 3(3+0)
Major Eng-402 20th century Fiction & Non Fiction drama 3(3+0)
Major Eng-409 American Drama 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-473 Teaching of Literature 3(3+0)
Elective Eng- Translational theory & Literary Studies 3(3+0)
Major ENG-417 Continental Literature 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major ENG-410 Anthropological Linguistics 3(3+0)
Major ENG-436 Language in Education 3(3+0)
  Elective ENG-419 Critical Discourse analysis 3(3+0)
Major ENG-361 Psycholinguistics 3(3+0)
Major ENG-340 Lexical Studies 3(3+0)
Major ENG-416 CALL 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
********* OR *********
Major Eng-470 South Asian Literature 3(3+0)
Major Eng-417 Continental Literature 3(3+0)
Major Eng- Emerging forms of Literature 3(3+0)
Major Eng- Literary Discourse & Journalistic
Total Credit Hours 12
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng-439 Language teaching methodology 3(3+0)
Major Eng-378 Visionary discourse 3(3+0)
Major Eng-472 Syllabus Designing And Testing 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-475 Translation Studies 3(3+0)
Major Eng-467 SLA 3(3+0)
Major Eng-463 Research Methods in Linguistic 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
********* OR *********
SEMESTER-VII (Literature)
Major ENG-403 20th century Lit. : Poetry & Drama 3(3+0)
Major ENG-402 20th century Fiction & Non Fiction 3(3+0)
Major ENG-409 American Drama 3(3+0)
Elective ENG-473 Teaching of Literature 3(3+0)
Elective ENG- Translational theory & Literary Studies 3(3+0)
Elective ENG-459 Post Colonial Literature 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Elective Eng-419 World Englishes 3(3+0)
Major Eng-471 Stylistics 3(3+0)
Major Eng-438 Language, Culture & Identity 3(3+0)
Major Eng-427 Genre Analysis 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 12
********* OR *********
SEMESTER-VIII (Literature)
Major ENG-470 South Asian Literature 3(3+0)
Major ENG-417 Continental Literature 3(3+0)
Major ENG- Emerging forms of Literature 3(3+0)
Major ENG- Literary Discourse & Journalistic
Total Credit Hours 12

M.A (2-YEAR) English

Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng -362 Research Methodology 3(3+0)
Major Eng -358 Poetry 14th to 18th Century 3(3+0)
Compulsory Eng -215 Communication Skills 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -455 Pakistani Literature in English 3(3+0)
Major Eng -369 Sociolinguistics 3(3+0)
Major Eng -132 Intro to Linguistics 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng -342 20th Century Literary/Critical Theory 3(3+0)
Major Eng -3114 Classical Drama 3(3+0)
Major Eng -344 Literary Movements 3(3+0)
Major Eng -268 Semantics 3(3+0)
Major Eng -460 Pragmatics 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -475 Translation Studies 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng 320 Discourse Analysis 3(3+0)
Major Eng -365 Romantic and Victorian Poetry 3(3+0)
Major Eng -407 American Literature-I 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -480 World Literature-I 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -459 Postcolonial Literature 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -477 Victorian Novel 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng-419 Critical Discourse Analysis 3(3+0)
Major Eng-449 Modern Drama 3(3+0)
Major Eng -448 Modern Novel 3(3+0)
Major Eng -450 Modern Poetry 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -408 American Literature-II 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -481 World Literature-II 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 18
Elective Courses
Sr. # Course Code Course Title
01 Eng-409 American Drama
02 Eng-410 Anthropological Linguistics
03 Eng-417 Continental Literature
04 Eng-421 Emerging Forms of Literature
05 Eng-122 English-I
06 Eng-123 English-II
07 Eng-224 English-III
08 Eng-225 English-IV
09 Eng-426 English for Specific Purposes
10 Eng-435 Journalistic Writing
11 Eng-436 Language in Education
12 Eng-437 Language and Gender
13 Eng-352 Morphology and Syntax 2
14 Eng-353 Novel 18th and 19th Century
15 Eng-464 Research Projects
16 Eng-466 Science Fiction and Fantasy
Total Credit Hours

MS (2-YEAR) English

Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng-532 Research Methods in Linguistics 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-535 Sociolinguistics 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-519 General Linguistics 3(3+0)
Major Eng -537 Theories of Linguistics 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 12
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng-521 Issues in Syntax 3(3+0)
Major Eng-508 Applied Linguistics 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-513 Critical Discourse Analysis 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-533 Semantics and Programmatic 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 12
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Comp Eng-538 Research Thesis 6(6+0)
Total Credit Hours 06
SEMESTER-IV (Elective Courses)
Sr. # Course Code Course Title
Total Credit Hours
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng -562 Research Methodology 3(3+0)
Major Eng -515 Elizabethan & Restoration Drama 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -506 American Literature I:novel n Short story 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-524 Literary Criticism & theory 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 12
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Major Eng -507 American Literature II 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -530 Postcolonial Literature 3(3+0)
Elective Eng -526 Modern & Contemporary Fiction 3(3+0)
Elective Eng-541 World Literature & Translation 3(3+0)
Total Credit Hours 12
Course Category Course Code Course Title Credits
Comp Eng-538 Research Thesis 6(6+0)
Total Credit Hours 06
SEMESTER-IV (Elective Courses)
Sr. # Course Code Course Title
Total Credit Hours
Elective Courses
Sr. # Course Code Course Title
01 Eng-501 Academic Writing
02 Eng-503 Advanced Syntax
03 Eng-504 Advancement in Stylistic
04 Eng-505 Aesthetics and Literary Genre
05 Eng-507 American Literature 2 Drama and Poetry
06 Eng-509 Bilingualism
07 Eng-510 CALL
08 Eng-512 Computational Linguistics
09 Eng-513 Comedy; Greek, Elizabethan & Modern
10 Eng-514 Critical Theory
11 Eng-515 Cross Cultural Communication
12 Eng-516 English for Specific Purposes
13 Eng-517 Feminine Linguistics
14 Eng-518 Functional Systematic Grammar
15 Eng-520 Globalization and Spread of English
16 Eng-522 Language Assessment
17 Eng-523 Language, Gender and Politics
18 Eng-525 Modern and Contemporary Drama
19 Eng-526 Modern and Contemporary Fiction
20 Eng-528 Multi-Cultureless
21 Eng-529 Phonetics and Phonology
22 Eng -530 Postcolonial Literature
23 Eng-531 Psycholinguistic
24 Eng-534 Shakespeare Studies
25 Eng-535 South Asia Literature
26 Eng-536 Teaching and Learning English in large Classes
27 Eng-539 Translation Theory and Literary Studies
28 Eng-540 Transitional Studies
29 Eng-541 World Literature
Total Credit Hours

Important note: The Scheme of Studies of all the courses including BS, M.A, MSc and MS can be changed according to the demand of market.