Title of Event: Webinar: Effective Time Management
Department: Psychosocial Well-being Center
Dates of Event: October 17-2022
Time of Event: 10:00 am- 12:00 pm
Name of Society Conducting the event/activity/workshop/seminar: Psychosocial Well-being Center,
GC Women University and Department of Psychology, Sialkot.
Resource Person:
Dr. Nazia Bashir (Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Center for Clinical Psychology, University
of Punjab)
Purpose of the event/activity/workshop/seminar
Time management is the strategy of planning out the available time and controlling the amount
of time a person spends on specific tasks in order to work more efficiently. This webinar is
specifically organized for students and faculty of GCWUS to help them learn how to maximize their
time so that they can be productive at work and in life in general. As there are immense benefits to
time management.
Venue: Video Conference Room, GCWUS.
Signature with date and time of submission of news:
Maryum Arifeen (Student Counselor)
Dated: 16-10-2022