Department of Sociology organized Episode-II of “Entrepreneurial Mindset Workshop” by inviting Dr. Imran Khan from IBA – Institute of Business Administration Karachi. As promised Dr. Imran Khan lead a practical learning extravaganza on “How to Write a Case Study?”.
For the first session, he delivered a lecture in Syndicate Room to the students of Departments of Sociology and English for 1.5 hours on the promised.
For the second session, Mrs. Ayesha Usman Head of Sociology department arranged visits to Nizams Sons and Awan Sports who are among the biggest manufacturers of the International brands like Addidas and Nike. This exercise was joined by selected students duly supervised by Mr. Sohaib Saleem (Manager ORIC) and Ms. Tajalli Fatima (Lecturer Dept. of Business Administration).
At first, we met Mr. Ameen (CEO of Nizam Sons) and recorded his complete story from scratch to today’s one of the successful business leader. Students also witnessed the complete product life cycle of the company.
After that, the delegation visited Awan Sports and met the owner Mr. Jarrar to record his story of the complete business journey till this day. Students are now working on their first draft of the Business Case Studies for both the companies.
Sincere gratitude to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Farhat Saleemi for the visionary sport and Col. Sahb for arranging the transport.